When many people are involved in fender benders, they often think these accidents are not serious and pose no potentially complicated legal consequences. However, that is not always how it turns out. In many situations, not only are vehicles damaged more extensively than first thought, but many drivers and passengers suffer injuries requiring extensive medical treatment. If you have been involved in a Phoenix fender bender, don’t take it for granted. Instead, take these next steps immediately.
Seek Medical Treatment
If you are involved in such an accident, always get a medical evaluation as quickly as possible. In many cases, that initial twinge in your back or neck can mean you suffered whiplash or a herniated disc, while that headache you have may be the result of a concussion. If you fail to get your injuries treated as quickly as possible, it will be difficult to show they resulted from your fender bender.
Take Photos of Vehicle Damage
If possible, use your smartphone to take several photos of damages sustained by both vehicles. By doing so, you may be protecting yourself if the other driver suddenly decides to make bogus claims about the extent their vehicle was damaged in the accident.
Get Insurance Information
Before you leave the accident scene, always speak to the other driver so you can get their insurance and contact information. When doing so, get their name, address, and phone number, as well as all pertinent insurance information. Once you have this information, keep it with you so that you can give it to your car accident personal injury attorney if necessary.
File a Police Report
If there is noticeable vehicle damage and the possibility of injuries, call police to the scene so that an accident report can be filed. This can be important when filing insurance claims or personal injury lawsuits, since police will file a report stating who they believe to be at fault for the accident.
By taking these steps, you will not only protect your health and well-being, but also have vital information that may be needed should you pursue a personal injury lawsuit.
If you need help with starting a car accident personal injury case call our expert attorneys at Gary Phillips Accident Law