Accident Law

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured,

Contact gary phillips, Personal Injury LAWyer

50+ years experience

• dedicated customer service

• maximized settlements

Gary is dedicated to providing compassionate, expert legal representation when you need it most. Your well-being is his priority, and he's committed to ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Rest assured,
your recovery comes first.

Get a FREE Consultation

Pedestrian Accident

Personal Injury

A Personal injury claim arises when a person is harmed both physically and/or emotionally from an accident due to another person’s negligence.

Car Accidents

Car Accidents

Were you injured in a car accident? Accidents involving a motor vehicle of any kind are the most common claims of personal injury.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

All motorcycle riders are taught to be extremely aware of the vehicles around them. Unfortunately, automobile drivers do not always exhibit that same awareness.

Truck Accidents

Truck Accidents

Dealing with corporate and commercial size insurance companies can be difficult and we do NOT recommend you do so on your own.

Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle Accidents

As a bicyclist there are many bike rules that you are expected to obey but they are not the only thing that determines whether you have a claim or not.

Boating Accidents

Boating Accidents

If you or someone you love has been involved in a boating accident that resulted in a fatal or non-fatal injury, contact us today.

Wrongful death Attorney in Phoenix

Wrongful Death

Let us use our experience to protect your rights and make sure you get the compensation that you and your family deserve.

Dog Bite Injuries

Dog Bite Injuries

If you or someone you love has been bitten by a dog (or other household pet) contact Gary Phillips Accident Law Professionals soon.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian Accidents

A pedestrian being hit by a motor vehicle almost always ends in a very serious injury or even death of the pedestrian.