Do I Need a Lawyer to Settle My Car Wreck Case in Phoenix, AZ?

Accident Attorney - Phoenix

If you ever suffer damages because of a car wreck in the greater Phoenix, Arizona area caused by the negligence of another, you may be tempted to settle your claim without an car accident attorney involved. Is this something you should do?

Damages Resulting from a Car Wreck

If you have a car wreck in the Phoenix area caused by someone else, you want and deserve to be compensated for your losses. There are several categories of losses, or damages, that can result from a car wreck. Broadly, these categories include:

  • Economic
  • Non-economic
  • Punitive

Economic Damages

Economic damages — actual financial losses — may include:

  • Loss of income
  • Medical expenses
  • All other actual costs related to injuries

Being compensated involves more than just collecting bills. You may need to defend expenses as being justified. You may also need to defend that your medical treatment was necessary.

You may be pressured to settle before you have completely healed from your injuries. Once you accept the final payment, your claim is closed. If you have not reached full medical improvement and need continued treatment, those expenses will be up to you to pay.

Non-Economic Damages

These damages are often more difficult to demonstrate. Arizona, though, allows for compensation for pain and suffering, as well as for mental anguish, and loss of consortium. An attorney can best present these claims on your behalf.

Punitive Damages

Sometimes the actions of a person who caused a car wreck are so outrageous they can be punished by having to pay damages beyond mere compensation.

Proving punitive damages requires the expertise of a skilled attorney.

Settlement Should Mean Full and Fair Compensation

Insurance companies are not in the business of paying claims. They do pay claims, but their goal is to save as much money as possible for the insurance company.

A skilled personal injury attorney knows how to best negotiate your fair and full compensation for your damages and injuries.

To discuss your car wreck, get a free consultation with a caring and skilled personal injury attorney at Gary Phillips Accident Law Professionals. Visit online to find the Arizona office nearest you.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured,

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