How Do I Get Compensation After My Phoenix Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle Accidents in Arizona

While Phoenix can be a great city for getting out on the open road and riding your motorcycle, it can also be the scene of numerous accidents. Since there are many cars on the road with you as you ride your motorcycle, chances are you will suffer an accident due to a driver who is careless and negligent. When this occurs, it’s crucial to do everything possible to be compensated for your injuries and other damages, which is why you should call our Phoenix Motorcycle Accident Attorneys at Gary Phillips Accident Law.

For Which Damages May I Sue?
Since many automobile drivers fail to treat motorcyclists as they do drivers of cars and trucks, the injuries suffered in these accidents are usually quite serious. Most often, injured motorcyclists suffer numerous broken bones, back injuries, deep contusions, and organ damage due to blunt force trauma. As a result, you should seek compensation for your medical bills, lost income associated with you being unable to work for weeks or longer, pain and suffering following the accident, and of course the damage to your motorcycle.

How Do I Win My Case?
To win your case against the driver whose negligence and carelessness led to your accident, you should do several things. First and foremost is getting immediate treatment for your injuries, since this will have your injuries documented in medical records. Also, say as little as you can about the accident to others, especially anyone affiliated with an insurance company, until you have spoken to us here at Gary Phillips Accident Law and received proper legal guidance. By using your common sense and excellent judgement along the way, it is quite possible for you to win your case and receive the compensation you need and deserve.

While what was supposed to be a relaxing ride on your motorcycle instead landed you in the hospital with serious injuries, this doesn’t mean your life should be ruined financially. Rather than let the other driver walk away without compensating you for your injuries and other economic damages, schedule a consultation today with our motorcycle accident lawyers at Gary Phillips Accident Law.

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