Why Will I Need Compensation After My Phoenix Motorcycle Accident?

Accident Attorney - Phoenix

If you were riding your motorcycle around Phoenix and found yourself being involved in an accident, things will go from bad to worse very quickly. Since motorcycle accidents are some of the most serious that take place on the road, there is a strong chance you suffered very serious injuries that will impact your life now, in the coming months, and perhaps forever. Because of this, it will be crucial you gain substantial financial compensation to pay for various damages. As to what these damages may be, here are some of the most common and how attorneys from Gary Phillips Accident Law can help.

Medical Bills
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, you will be quickly overwhelmed by the numerous medical bills you start finding in your mailbox. From surgeries and physical therapy to medical supplies and your hospital stay, the result will be medical bills that may easily exceed $100,000 or more. If you hesitate in seeking the maximum compensation for your injuries, you could ultimately have to declare bankruptcy to escape the burden of debt.

Lost Income
If you sustained broken bones, head injuries, road rash, or any number of other serious injuries, there is little chance you will be returning to your job anytime soon. As a result, your income will quickly dry up, leaving you and your family struggling to pay for groceries, rent or mortgage payments, and even the most basic of necessities. Rather than suffer these unnecessary financial hardships for an extended period of time, always seek to gain immediate compensation to ensure you and your family are able to maintain a reasonable standard of living.

Pain and Suffering
Since it is probable your motorcycle accident was caused by the negligence and carelessness of another driver, always work with your attorney from Gary Phillips Accident Law to seek compensation for your pain and suffering, which is something you are having to endure 24/7.

To make sure your motorcycle accident case is handled professionally and with the urgency it demands, schedule your consultation as soon as possible with Gary Phillips Accident Law.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured,

Contact gary phillips, Personal Injury LAWyer

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